Compare my Solar PV panel performance?

Now I can compare the performance of my solar PV panel array with other installations.

solar_pvI have been recording the output from my solar PV panels monthly since they were installed back in July 2010. I wrote a blog item about my solar PV rig and published my performance chart on Google.


But I have never been able to compare my charts with anybody else’s chart.


Now a new service has arisen OnYourRoof which lets me do just that.


All I need do is enter my meter readings and voila I have a chart comparing my panel performance with other similar panels in the area.

To see my chart compared with others visit my Page at and then click on any of the panel details.

I hope this post will encourage others to enter their details as the more details the better and the more useful the comparison becomes. Let me know if you sign up – then I can take a sneak peak