Digsby Updates My LinkedIn Status

@Digsby updates my LinkedIn status

Digsby has been a very useful Instant Messaging (IM) client that also monitored your emails and social network feeds.  It has recently become even more useful with the ability to update your social network status including LinkedIn together or separately.

SomeTwitter clients, such as Seesmic or Tweetdeck, allow you to update your Facebook Status as well as Twitter but Digsby is the only one I have found that allows you to update your LinkedIn status.

It has always been difficult to update your Linked in status other than from within LinkedIn.  You can of course use Ping.fm which is a very flexible updater but isn’t itself a Twitter client so you have to run a Twitter client and Ping.fm.

This was made easier when you could include a ping.fm gadget in your igoogle page along with a twitter gadget and facebook gadget. Note no LinkedIn gadget.

Now Digsby is not just a status update.  It is much much more. I use it most of the time. It sits in a locked window on the right hand side of my screen.  It is constantly keeping me updated on my IM, email and social networks.

Digsby has three main parts.

  1. An Instant Messaging (IM) client handling Yahoo, Google, MSN, AIM, ICQ, Jabber and Facebook chat
  2. An email notification client. It sits there constantly updating you with the number of unread emails you have and shows you  Yahoo. Google, Hotmail, AOL/AIM, POP or IMAP
  3. A feed viewer and updater for your social networks – Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and LinkedIn

The IM client is really very good as it not only handles chat very well but allows you to send emails from the chat window or make a voice call or start a video chat.

I still use Outlook and Seesmic but it is Digsby which is open all the time.

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